Team Germany from Bad Kreuznach
Team Croatia from Zagreb
Team Ireland from Dublin
Team Italy from Ivrea
Team Lithuania from Kaunas
Team Norway from Trondheim


Project Teams from all over Europe


[NO] Byåsen videregående skole [IE] Newpark Comprehensive School [LT] Kauno technikos profesinio mokymo centras [DE] BBS TGHS Bad Kreuznach [HR] I. tehnička škola TESLA [IT] IIS Olivetti A JS library for interactive maps



BBS TGHS Bad Kreuznach
Coordinating School
Host of the Final Meeting
Bad Kreuznach - GERMANY
Byåsen videregående skole
Host of the First Meeting
Trondheim - NORWAY
IIS Olivetti
Host of the Second Meeting
Ivrea - ITALY
I. tehnička škola TESLA
Host of the Third Meeting
Zagreb - CROATIA
Newpark Comprehensive School
Host of the Fourth Meeting
Dublin - IRELAND
Kauno technikos profesinio mokymo centras
Host of the Fifth Meeting